Alkaline Water product range also helps in mitigating effects such as:
- Promote Digestive Wellness
- Soothe Heartburn
- Decreased Energy & Fatigue
- Support to regularize Bowel Movements
- Reduce the Severity of Morning Sickness
AlkaHydrate technology creates alkalinity through water purification and supplementation with natural minerals, which elevates drinking water alkaline pH to 9.0+ using these minerals. A powerful synergy between alkalinity and minerals fuels ultimate hydration to refresh and re-balance the body.
helps balance the body’s pH, which tends to be acidic because of our high acid food diet, stress and exposure to environmental toxins.
detoxifies your body as it removes normal acidic waste accumulated daily, plus toxins accumulated in your body from your environment.
super hydrates your body: fundamental to maintaining optimum health. A super hydrated body also energizes you.
antioxidant property neutralizes and blocks free-radical damage to the body. Infectivity of viruses and pathogens are subdued in an alkaline body pH.
alters the quality of blood in such a way that more oxygen is carried to vital organs. All benefits of alkaline water work in tandem to make the immune system stronger.
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