Benefits of Healthy Hydration

Benefits of Healthy Hydration

Benefits of Healthy Hydration

  • AlkaHydrate has developed proprietary alkaline salt from natural minerals sourced from New Zealand and refined in Singapore, through its intense research.
  • Proprietary composition is productized into various products (as AlkaDrop and AlkaWater, only to name a few) addressing the current functional hydration needs of the human physiological structure.

Products from AlkaHydrate provide drinking water with alkaline pH (9.0+) and are fortified with 35+ natural minerals and trace element with the following benefits:

  1. Weight Loss
  2. Super Hydration
  3. Energy/Endurance
  4. Boosts Immunity

AlkaHydrate Products assists in maintaining the good health for:

  1. Heart
  2. Urinary Track
  3. Bones
  4. Pulmonary

AlkaHydrate offers solutions to mitigate these dietary challenges and promote balanced hydration.